12-10-27 |
12-10-14 |
12-09-16 |
12-09-03 |
12-09-02 | Selected films from UNICA 2012 with thanks to Dave Watterson (IAC) |
11-12-29 | Bylaws |
11-12-29 | Regulations of the World Competition of UNICA |
11-12-29 | Addendum to the regulations of the World Competition of UNICA |
11-11-23 |
11-09-05 |
11-07-14 |
To prevent abuse the UNICA bank accounts have been removed from this website |
UNICA Statutes 2003 | UNICA Satzung 2003 |
04-08-24 Website updated:
some links repaired or removed
04-08-20 Awarding of UNICA Medal
04-05-21 Update
of flyer "What is UNICA"
04-05-08 Death
announcement Franz Rienesl
04-04-27 Date
and place of funeral of Franz Rienesl
04-04-25 Franz
Rienesl passed away
04-04-09 Flyers
"What is UNICA" updated
04-01-23 Inventory of
non professional films
03-09-29 Awarding of UNICA Medal
03-09-28 Photo
Gallery of the UNICA Committee
03-09-21 Archive
of UNICA web updated
03-09-05 New category: Non-commercial film festivals
03-08-27 "What
is UNICA?" webpages revised
03-08-25 Jeunesse
Hymn to the
amateur cinematographer
short history of the UNICA Anthem
03-05-25 Search
facility extended and updated
03-04-20 Listen to the UNICA Fanfare (click UNICA
03-03-22 Update of Duties for Organisers of a UNICA
03-03-22 Update of Technical Jury Information
03-03-22 Update of Competition Regulations
03-01-20 Miette Verlinden
("UNICA Patronage") passed away
02-09-12 Listen to the UNICA Fanfare
02-09-09 ISO
country codes
BBC Documentary request for Help
02-05-30 Proposed changes in the Statutes of UNICA
02-05-30 Proposed changes in the Regulations of the
World Competition of UNICA
02-05-30 Proposed additions to the Jury Technical Info
02-05-12 Hallo from Sweden!
02-05-12 Miette Verlinden's health
02-04-27 Deadline for "Up to 21" (Poland) is
May 6, 2002
01-10-30 Search
for films with Queen Elizabeth II
01-09-13 Official documents grouped together
01-09-11 List of duties for organizers of a UNICA Congress
01-09-04 Out-of-date UNICA
website documents in web archive
01-07-01 UNICA contribution in Euros as of 2002
01-01-13 Search
form added
99-12-28 Category
"Film School Films"
Meeting of the
Friends of UNICA in Beveren
UNICA Fanfare
UNICA united Gisela and Wolfgang
02-05-12 Maurice Rispal passed away
Anna-Freier -President of Friends of UNICA- passed away
UNICA's Honorary President Josef Walterscheidt
passed away
of Rolf Mandolesi
CV of
Serge Michel
02-05-06 Awarding of UNICA Medal
UNICA medals 1998
medals 1997